One week until the new Giving Tuesday. Are you taking part?
This is a time for adaptation. We might be stuck inside, and the days might blur together, but even once we’ve adapted our home and work lives to the new normal, that normal isn’t static. The situation is constantly changing, and as nonprofit communicators and fundraisers, we’re all searching for ways to fit our work into this alarming new world. For example, #GivingTuesdayNow. You probably know that the folks behind Giving Tuesday are organizing a new day of giving on May 5th in response to the COVID-19 crisis. For organizations already grappling with whether and how to fundraise during this time, Giving Tuesday Now adds a layer of urgency: should we participate? If so, how? Will we offend people by fundraising? Will we miss out if we don’t? Here are some thoughts on how to fundraise during COVID-19, and on #GivingTuesdayNow specifically. Should my organization even be fundraising right now? Yes. My feeling, and that of nearly all fundraisers and fellow consultants I’ve talked to, is that this is no time to stop raising money. If your work mattered before the pandemic, it still matters (though perhaps in a different way), and you still need to fundraise to support it. Read More